The International Journal of Business Law welcomes articles, notes, commentaries and book reviews in diverse areas of business law, including Banking, Commercial Arbitration, Commercial Transactions, Consumer Law, Corporate Law, Finance Law, Insurance Law, Intellectual Property, International Trade, Investment Law, and Tax Law.
All submissions are screened by the editorial committee. Selected materials are thereafter assessed by a peer-review panel. Members of the panel are selected from a pool of accomplished scholars and academics in their various fields.
All articles, notes, commentaries and book reviews submitted for consideration must be original and should neither have been published nor submitted for publication elsewhere. Submissions should be between 2,000 and 2,500 (for notes, commentaries and book reviews) and 6,000 - 8,000 (for articles) words long, including footnotes. Manuscripts, whether accepted for publication or not, will not be returned to the author.
Submissions must be in Word format, and should include the following:
- The article, case commentary, notes or book review sought to be published, including an abstract.
- A submission cover page indicating the title of the article, author’s name, address, telephone, fax numbers, and e-mail address.
- A signed consent (to publish the submitted material) in favor of International Legal Platform. To download the consent form, please click here: consent form.
Submissions must be in 12 pts. Times Roman, double spaced on 81/2 x 11 inches, with one-inch margin on both sides. All submissions should be in electronic form by way of attachments to e-mail and addressed to Subject line of submissions email should include the author’s name and “IJBL submission”.
All citations should follow the Uniform System of Citation (The Blue Book 19th edition). Use of end notes is unacceptable.
The editorial committee reserves the right to copyedit articles as it deems fit and suitable without consulting the author. However, the committee will not do any substantive editing without consultation with the author.