Emmanuel Gaillard is a foremost expert on international commercial and investment arbitration. Gaillard chairs the International Arbitration Institute and the International Academy for Arbitration Law.He has appeared as Counsel and served as chairman, sole arbitrator or member of tribunals in hundreds of international arbitration proceedings. He is the author of major books, articles and commentaries on various aspects of arbitration law, in English and in French.Among his numerous works are: Legal Theory of International Arbitration (Martinus Nijhoff, 2010), published in French as Aspects philosophiques du droit de l’arbitrage international (Martinus Nijhoff, 2008) and in five other languages, Fouchard Gaillard Goldman On International Commercial Arbitration (Kluwer, 1999); co-authored, Trait de arbitrage commercial international (Litec, 1996) co-authored.
As a leading expert on international investment arbitration, Gaillard has contributed immensely to enriching academic discourse in the legal space. Since 1985, Gaillard has published a yearly feature in the Journal du Droit International, commenting on ICSID decisions and awards. He also published two volumes on ICSID arbitration case law, entitled La Jurisprudence du (CIRDI 2004 and 2010). He has also edited several books and journals, including Enforcement of Arbitration Agreements and International Arbitral Awards-The New York Convention in Practice, Cameron May, 2008 (co-editor), Fifteen Years of NAFTA Arbitration, IAI International Arbitration Series No. 7, Juris Publishing, 2011, The Review of International Arbitral Awards, IAI International Arbitration Series No. 6, Juris Publishing, 2010, Precedent in International Arbitration, IAI International Arbitration Series No. 5, Juris Publishing, 2008, States Entities in International Arbitration, IAI International Arbitration Series No. 4, Juris Publishing, 2008, Towards a Uniform International Arbitration Law?, IAI International Arbitration Series No. 3, Juris Publishing, 2005, Anti-Suit Injunctions in International Arbitration, IAI International Arbitration Series No. 2, Juris Publishing, 2005, and Annulment of ICSID Awards, IAI International Arbitration Series No. 1, Juris Publishing, 2004. Gaillard is a partner at Shearman & Sterling LLP and heads the firm’s International Arbitration practice group. He is a Professor of Law at Sciences Po Law School, where he teaches International Arbitration.